Monday, November 19, 2012

Student Stress Starts Early. The Problem: Premature Pressure by Parents, Peers

Student Stress Starts Early. The Problem: Premature Pressure by Parents, Peers

Call it pressure. Call it great expectations. Whatever its name the result is the same: school stress.
It starts as soon as kindergarten. It turns play into competitive sport. It turns the joy of learning into a struggle to excel. It turns friends into social connections and charitable acts into a line on a resume.

we are organized school stress management program in all over INDIA
For any query call 9051503332 moner alo  

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Dr.Tirthankar Dasgupta will be unavailable from 20th - 30th octobor2012.

Dr.Tirthankar Dasgupta & psychological counselor Rituparna Dasgupta will be unavailable from 20th - 30th octobor2012.


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Today is the 20th annual World Mental Health Day. This year the theme is "Depression: A Global Crisis."

Today is the 20th annual World Mental Health Day. This year the theme is "Depression: A Global Crisis."

What are the different types of depression?
There are basically four types of depression –
  1. Clinical or Major depression
  2. Bipolar or Manic-depressive disorder
  3. Postpartum depression (depression after delivery of child)
  4. Seasonal affective disorder (It usually doesn’t affect people who live in tropical climates like India.)
Clinical and bipolar depressions have two milder phases called dysthymia and cyclothymia, respectively which has similar symptoms but on a milder level and usually lasts longer. Some of the common symptoms of major depression include – despair and loneliness, unwillingness to do the simplest tasks, low energy levels, recurring nightmares and sleep disorders, loss of libido and appetite. These symptoms usually last for over two months.
Bipolar disorder on the other hand is a cyclical disorder characterised by two phases – a manic phase and a depressive phase. In the manic phase, the patient is likely to suffer from delusions of grandeur, excessive self-confidence, feeling of euphoria and higher sexual drive while the depressive phase is very similar to the aforementioned symptoms of major depression.
Causes of depression
What causes depression? Researchers still haven’t zeroed on what causes depression per se but various conditions are usually present in the sufferers. Trauma, grief, work issues, love and relationship troubles and genetic pre-disposition all have a causal link to depression. Some other factors include alcohol consumption, lack of exercise, obesity and pregnancies.
But a cure is not hard to find…
Mental illness is a big problem in our culture, in fact any culture. People don’t like to acknowledge that they aren’t a fully functioning member of society (whatever that means) and there’s a tendency to hush up mental illnesses. It’s almost considered taboo to visit a counsellor or psychiatrist to seek help. Perhaps it has something to do with the way mental illnesses show distinct changes in our personality, cognition and behaviour – the very things that define our being; unlike a physical illness where a certain organ or part of the body is affected. First and foremost, it’s very important to seek professional help
Seek professional help
You wouldn’t try to self-medicate or refuse to believe you have a problem if you suffered from a heart disease would you? The same goes for the mind. Denial – self or otherwise – simply compounds the problem. The fact is that unlike other diseases which are either untreatable or whose treatment costs are expensive depression has an economic and cost-effective solution. It’s imperative to get professional help and there’s absolutely nothing to be ashamed of in visiting a therapist or counsellor.
Physical exercise
There has been ample research to prove that physical exercise of all form helps keep the blues away. One of the reasons for this is the feel-good hormones like endorphins and testosterone are released during exercise which makes us feel good. Even walking for 15-30 minutes can make a difference.
Healthy balanced diet
A health, all around balanced diet is another way to keep depression at bay. For example, omega 3 fatty acids found in fish and vegetable oils play helps keep a part by helping regulate neurotransmitters like serotonin which is used in anti-depressants. Foods high on antioxidants (green tea, broccoli, oranges, spinach, pumpkin, papaya) are also a must.
Relaxation techniques
Another great way to beat depression is by relaxing. This can include anything you like to do like a walk in the park, meditation, taking up a hobby or even listening to music. It’s necessary get away from the daily grind of life.
Get proper sleep
Although lack of sleep alone can’t cause depression it is one of the causes. So it’s imperative to get some shut-eye. Make a daily routine for bedtime if you’ve to. Abstain from nicotine, alcohol or caffeine in the evening.
Share with your loved ones or support groups
One of the most effective non-medicated treatments for depression is sharing with your loved ones. However, this might not be possible for some people and this is where support groups come in handy. Not only do you get to share your feelings but you get to do it with a person who’s been through the exact same problems and knows how to deal with it.
And lastly believe…
The human spirit is insurmountable and depression is like any other hurdle which can be overcome. There is no magic pill to get rid of it; even antidepressants can work that far. In fact, the USFDA found that inert placebos have a significantly high effect meaning that believing you’re taking antidepressants seems to do the trick. So perhaps the answer lies in believing. Raise awareness this Mental Health Day. Don’t let the black cloud win.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Planning Family, Planning a life: case studies

Neha Mathur had been married to Gautam Mathur for eight years. In these eight years of married life, the couple has had two children. They are aged five and two years. Problems arose when Neha conceived her third child only within a year of giving birth to her two year old. The general health of Neha saw a marked deterioration. She was not in the physical condition that was healthy enough for childbirth. On the other hand, the financial condition of the family was in no way enough to support three children at the time. As a result of the difficult times, tension arose between the family members and it was directly affecting the health of Neha as well as the mental conditions of the children in the house. Gautam had too much load at work and this problem only added to his stress. The only solution that seemed possible in this situation was that of an abortion. However, abortion is a process that requires skilled surgery and also counseling is important. Clearly, the couple had not made any family planning.
Summary of Neha’s condition before treatment
Neha had lost a lot weight in an unhealthy way and her physical condition was weak. She was not being able to communicate with her husband as they were having tension in the relation. The alienation of Neha was acting as an agent of manic depression, which was not only harmful for her health and her children, but also for her unborn child. Apart from that, being a mother in an Indian culture, she was not completely ready for an abortion and she was also scared of the whole process. Therefore, it can be said that Neha Mathur was wrecked emotionally as well as physically. It could have been avoided with proper family planning.
The stage of Neha’s treatment: before surgery
Neha Mathur needed psychological counseling before she could be ready for the surgical abortion. It was important that she felt courageous and grew a strong heart so that she could withstand the strain of a surgery. Therefore, the first step of Neha’s treatment included several sessions of counseling that opened her up emotionally. She was made ready by empathetic interactions for aborting her child. The counselor managed to convince her that aborting the child was the best option for bringing back the stability in her life. The session was important for Neha to free herself from the stigmatized mentality imposed upon her by the society. It was only after her depression was mended completely that the doctors brought her to the operation theatre.
Treatment: post surgery:
The treatment was not over after the surgery. This segment was the most important part of the treatment. The segment not only needed Neha but also required Gautam to participate. In this segment, the couple was educated about family planning. They were given a full and detailed lecture in the availability and the functionality of the different modes of contraceptives. This was important so that they do not have to face such situations again. Family planning is the key to healthy living of a family.

Neha’s final condition:
At the end of the treatment, Neha was healed as far as her depression was concerned. She was a confident woman and now she knew how to take care of herself. Her health was medically perfect and it was only a matter of time before she regained her physical strength again. As you know a proper family plan is a must. 

Disclaimer:  This is a scripted document based on the actual problems prevailing in the medical spheres. The characters referred here are fictitious but the problems and symptoms discussed and remedies suggested are based on real life experiences. 


CASE STUDIES...MANIA - Dr.Tirthankar Dasgupta

Mrs.X a  housewife - repeated hanswashing ,repititive thoughts - treated at one of my clinic  in kolkata with SSRI(an antidepressant group),she is not having any comorbid hypothyroidism or other metabolic problems ,not taking other medicines,she was initially scared to take medicines,finally convinced on noticing improvement - now after 3 months doing lot better,she is being motivated ,now to take the medicine for more than 18 month.

Dr.Tirthankar Dasgupta

Friday, August 31, 2012

Online Doctor Appointment is available in MONERALO


Thursday, August 30, 2012